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Premium Digital Access

$2 for 4 weeks, then $3.79 per week, automatically renewed and billed quarterly. Cancel anytime.

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Premium Digital Access for just $2 for the first 4 weeks, then $3.79 per week, automatically renewed quarterly. Cancel anytime.

This is a continuous service subscription that will automatically renew at the next rate after the initial term. Your initial rate is $2 paid up front for the first 4 weeks. Your next rate is $49.27 billed in 13-week increments ($3.79/week). Your renewal will be charged one week before your new term begins, to the original payment method used. You may cancel at any time, and you will continue to enjoy access to your subscription until the end of your term, when your cancellation will take effect. Any early cancellation and credit or refund is at our sole discretion. To avoid a renewal charge, you must contact us to cancel at least one week before the end of the current term.  If we are unable to process your renewal payment, your service will continue, we will notify you and your amount owed will accrue. During this time, you may receive a paper invoice at the charge of $2.50. You're not eligible for an introductory offer if you’ve had an active digital account in the last 30 days. If you have an outstanding balance from a previous order, your new payment will first be applied to settle this balance, which will shorten your initial term. We reserve the right to limit the number of discounts or free trials received in a year. If you have any questions or problems with your order, please call us at 612.673.7373 and use offer code  DAIA211f.